Handsaw Guide

Although I tried to cut by handsaw, it was not a easy task. Over ten times attempt, only two were OK but never satisfied.

I started searching for a handsaw guide and came up with an idea that I possibly could make for a temporary use.

I had two blocks of wood that I would use to practice another handsaw project. They were big and straight so I thought they would work. Some punching paper that is used to adjust piano key depth are put to leave a gap enough for saw thickness. Then clamped the wood to cut with the blocks, inserted the saw and moved it back and forth. Wow, it worked! I was not sure if they were completely accurate but enough for just practice use.

These wood will be used for block practice. It took over a day to cut just six pieces of wood. Well, I learned a lot and this will be surely useful in future.

Later, I will make a handsaw guide which can be used any time for any shape of wood.


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