Sawing practice with scrap wood

Cutting lumber specially imported from overseas for the first time is a significant undertaking, so I’m being extremely cautious. After researching cutting methods, I found that using a bandsaw is generally recommended. However, a bandsaw capable of cutting through 20cm-thick maple and spruce is quite expensive, and considering how often I’d use it, I’m unsure whether to make the purchase.

I have a stand that can turn my circular saw into a table saw, so I’m debating whether to use that or cut it by hand. Either way, it’s a task where failure is absolutely not an option, so I decided to do a rehearsal beforehand.

At the hardware store, I found some scrap wood that looked like a good practice material, so I bought it. Since it feels wasteful to use it solely for practice, I hope I can find another use for it afterward.



ホームセンターで買える端材で 良い練習相手になってくれそうな木があったので買ってきました。切るためだけに使うのは忍びないので、何かに役立てられたらと思います。


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