Author: Kaccho

  • Masakichi Suzuki

    この投稿をInstagramで見る Kaccho’s Violin(@kacchovn)がシェアした投稿 Violin making wasn’t my goal from the beginning. I’ve been a piano tuner for a long time, I have taught the piano, and I came up with an idea that the violin would be a choice for young children to start music with, from my memory that my daughters have played the…

    Masakichi Suzuki
  • Bow Rehair

    I have done over 30 times of bow rehair and finally getting comfortable with my work. I don’t get paid for this but thinking to approach to the violinists that I know. この投稿をInstagramで見る Kaccho’s Violin(@kacchovn)がシェアした投稿 It takes time to rehair a bow. Piano tuning is much easier for me. I saw a YouTube video that…

    Bow Rehair
  • Block Plane Set Up

    The block plane I got needed to be set up as I posted previously. The blade doesn’t come off evenly. So I needed this corrected. There are numerous descriptions about plane set up on the internet so this article won’t talk about every single step precisely. I just did filing the edge where the blade…

    Block Plane Set Up
  • Block Plane

    Next work will be C bout ribs preparation: thickness and bending. They won’t be glued. It’s just checking to see if the ribs can fit to the corner blocks at this point. If it does, the corner blocks will be replaced with spruce. Then finally glued with ribs. There is another task I need before…

    Block Plane
  • Woodworking Vise

    While working on the corner blocks attached to the mold, I realized the mold had to be held tightly and fixed. I looked for a woodworking vise for sale at the beginning, and soon I decided to make one. I chose to spend time rather than money. I would look for a replacement for a…

    Woodworking Vise
  • Clamp Prototype

    Thread winding core rods from a spinning mill are here. I don’t remember how I reached to this information nor why I was looking for the things like them. Clearly, I got them not for the purpose that I came up with. I’m sure I ended up once they would be no use, Now they…

    Clamp Prototype
  • Corner Blocks Practice

    I will not use the actual tone wood yet. I am using the white wood I got from a local home center instead for practice. Indeed, I failed by over cutting the wood by gouge so this is my second attempt. It takes time as I anticipated at the beginning.

    Corner Blocks Practice
  • Handsaw Guide

    Although I tried to cut by handsaw, it was not a easy task. Over ten times attempt, only two were OK but never satisfied. I started searching for a handsaw guide and came up with an idea that I possibly could make for a temporary use. I had two blocks of wood that I would…

    Handsaw Guide
  • Handsaw Practice

    I am a newbie in the world of wood working. I do some for piano repair, but this violin making process involves much more than I have ever done. Since cutting wood is non undoable action, I need to practice before working with actual tonewood, because they can’t be purchased at a local shops. And…

    Handsaw Practice
  • The Mold Preparation

    Finally, I am starting the production work! Start by taking the template from the previous article and cutting it out from the mold. First, I started by cutting and removing the parts that were fixed to the frame. They must have been cut using some kind of machinery. Considering transportation, it probably made sense not…

    The Mold Preparation