Category: Repair
Masakichi Suzuki
この投稿をInstagramで見る Kaccho’s Violin(@kacchovn)がシェアした投稿 Violin making wasn’t my goal from the beginning. I’ve been a piano tuner for a long time, I have taught the piano, and I came up with an idea that the violin would be a choice for young children to start music with, from my memory that my daughters have played the…
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Bow Rehair
I have done over 30 times of bow rehair and finally getting comfortable with my work. I don’t get paid for this but thinking to approach to the violinists that I know. この投稿をInstagramで見る Kaccho’s Violin(@kacchovn)がシェアした投稿 It takes time to rehair a bow. Piano tuning is much easier for me. I saw a YouTube video that…
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